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How To Stay Hard After Cumming

Not trying to insult anyone here, but if you are reading this you have probably seen way too many pornos.  I mean, where else would you get an idea like this?  Alright, take it easy…I know how it exciting it can be to maintain an erection after you just blew your load.  It can be a turn on for you and your partner.  You might want to know how to stay hard after summing for a lot of different reasons.  Let’s dive into this subject a bit deeper and see what we can come up with.

Why Do You Want To Stay Hard After Cumming?

It’s a legitimate question.  Is it just for your ego?  Do you think your partner will be more “impressed” with your performance?  Is it a turn on for you?  Whatever the reason may be, just know this one might take some practice. 

Your body’s natural response after ejaculation is to go limp.  It is what is known as the “refractory period.”  It basically means, that after busting a nut, your body needs some time to recover.  So it is perfectly natural to NOT be hard after cumming.

Some Methods To Try

One of the first things that most guys will want to try is a magic pill.  I hate to tel you, there really isn’t one.  All of those pills out there that make all these bold claims of better performance, or staying hard after summing are usually a bunch of bullshit.  Viagra could be a legitimate drug to try for this.  However, the concern is that in order to achieve staying hard after cumming, you would most likely need to take more than the recommended dose and this is a BAD IDEA!!  DO NOT do it!


I can tell you right now it’s not worth risking your health just to keep a boner a little bit longer than usual.  Shit, you should be glad you can even get a boner!  A lot of men out there have trouble even with that. 

So what can you do?  Here are some legitimate ways you can try to keep that boner going after you bust a nut!

Get Those PC Muscles Super Strong!

I said this was not going to be easy…Saying it would be easy would be the same thing as telling you it’s possible to make a million dollars over-night.  Just like any “get rich quick” scheme, anyone who says there is a simple solution to this is full of it!

Not going to go into a ton of detail with this method, as there are entire books written on the subject.  But to simplify things, if you don’t know how to locate your PC muscles, it’s quite simple.  Next time you take a leak, stop your stream mid pee.  Do this a couple of times.  Once you get a feeling for that, you now know where your PC muscles are and how to use them.

So what you want to do now is practice throughout the day “squeezing” that same muscle while you are just at your desk at work, or sitting on the couch watching tv.  You want to squeeze and hold for 10 seconds.  Once the 10 seconds is up, give it a break for a minute and then go again.  If you repeat this process, 10 times per day, you will definitely start noticing a difference.

Having strong PC muscles will not only increase the intensity of your orgasms, but it will help with the goal of how to stay hard after cumming.

It will take practice and time, but the key here is CONSISTENCY.  If you do the exercise only for a couple days, and then don’t do it again for months, you will not see any difference what-so- ever.  How bad do you want this? 

Get Your Testosterone Levels Checked

Most guys are probably not going to want to go to the doctor just stay hard after cumming.  But, if this is something that’s been on your mind for a while, next time you see your doctor for your regular check-up, make sure to ask for this info.  If your doctor does a thorough blood test and physical examination, they should have your “T” levels handy.  On the off chance they don’t, ask them to take your blood and check!

I wouldn’t waste too much time on this, because if you are able to achieve and maintain an erection regularly, then the chances are very low that testosterone is a factor here.  One thing you need to remember, is you are basically trying to fight mother nature here.  Again, it is PERFECTLY NORMAL  to lose your erection after cumming.

However, if you do have a hard time even getting a boner at all, you should definitely see your doctor right away.  It could be more serious than you think.

Try a Penis Pump 

After seeing the movie Austin Powers back in the 90’s, the legitimacy of dick pumps flew right out the window in my mind, and I am sure out of the minds of many of you who are reading this now.  But, it’s not a joke.  Penis pumps really can be helpful in this situation. 

Penis pumps are usually thought of as a way to make your dick bigger.  It can help with this to a certain extent, but the effects are temporary for the most part.  Meaning you have to use the pump, and then go fuck or masturbate right after.  Not very practical right?

But what the penis pump DOES help with and naturally too, is it helps with blood flow.  If you use a pump on a regular basis, then it will help your body with more blood flow to your dick, and overtime, give a chance of staying hard after cumming. 

A key take-away in this strategy is the same as in the PC exercises.  In order for it to work, you need to be CONSISTENT!  Too many people in general (men and women) try something for a day or two, don’t see any results and then quit.  Or even worse, they start bad mouthing the method, product, or whatever, even though they have not followed though and used as intended.  If you want to see the results, then STICK WITH IT, PERIOD!

Use a Cock Ring

A cock ring is a great way to keep your dick harder in general.  Again, one of the key things that makes this work is blood flow.  Our dicks stay hard because of blood flow and blood flow alone!  A cock ring will help keep more of that blood in your dick for longer, even after cumming.  This is a really easy, no-nonsense way to get the results you are after.  Not only is this kind of kinky and will increase your pleasure, it’s going to help you stay hard after cumming.

Some Extra Tips

Most likely, you are going to see the best results by combining a few are all of these tips.  If you really want to know how to stay hard after cumming, it will take some work.  Don’t expect this to happen overnight.  I am confident, that if you try some or all of these methods in conjunction with each-other, you will start seeing the results you want. 

Just like anything else, practice makes perfect!  So practice this as much as you can!  I mean every time you jack off, do the PC exercises BEFORE you whack it. 

Then, use the Penis Pump for a few minutes BEFORE you whack it.

And finally, once you do start to whack it, make sure to put the cock ring on. 

If you do all of these steps, in that order, you will give yourself the best chance at staying hard after cumming. 

It’s not going to work the first time, the second time, or maybe even the 5th time.  You need to practice this regularly for it to be effective.  You will most likely need to stick with these methods for at least a month or two to see any REAL results.  After this much time, you should see a NOTICEABLE difference in the quality of your boners and ability to stay hard after cumming.

What Happens If None of This Works?

If you tried everything I’ve mentioned here for at least a couple of months and you are still not seeing results, then I hate to say this, but this might never work for you. 

Really, don’t beat yourself up over it.  It is not that big of a deal.  Sure it will do a great deal to boost your ego, but besides that and maybe a little bit of enhanced pleasure, that’s about all you are ever going to get out of this anyhow. 

If you’re trying to impress a lady, don’t sweat it.  As long as you are able to make her cum, that will be way more impressive and thrilling to her than keeping your boner after cumming. 

Just think of all the guys out there that have a hard time just giving a woman an orgasm in the first place!  If you are able to accomplish this, then you are already ahead of the game and should feel like a stallion in bed. 

If your reasons are just the pursuit of extra pleasure or to boost your own confidence, that’s OK, I get it!  The best thing to do then in a situation like this if the following.

DON’T GIVE UP!  Keep trying, I mean what do you have to lose right?  Think of it as a challenge.  Something you want to accomplish in your life.  Sometimes just changing your mindset can be all it takes to achieve this goal, and any others for that matter.

You already bought the Penis Pump and the cock ring I’m sure!  So you you got nothing to lose by just rinsing and repeating. 

I refuse to recommend any other way.  If you try to take a shortcut and go for some weird drug, you are jeopardizing your health, and probably wasting your money too.  Just don’t do it.  Stick with it, keep trying.  And if it never happens for you, then just consider yourself NORMAL!